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Our Ad & Cookie Policies

We Use Common Tracking Tools

We collect personal information about users over time and across different websites when you use this website or service. We also have third parties that collect personal information this way. We or our vendors use several common tracking tools. These may include browser cookies, HTML 5 local storage, and pixel tags. We may also use web beacons and similar technologies. We use these tools to track our consumers and website visitors. We also use them for other business purposes, including:

  • To track new visitors to our sites.
  • To recognize past customers.
  • So we can better understand our audience, our customers, our website visitors, and their respective interests.
  • To store your password if you are registered on our website.
  • To provide you with advertising content in which we think you will be interested. As part of this customization, we may observe your behaviors on this website or on other websites. We may also get information about your browsing history from our trusted business partners and vendors.
  • So we can better understand our audience, our customers, our website visitors, and their respective interests.